Friday, September 30, 2011


Now we gotta be 55 years old and reinvision our paper-clip project. I just did not understand. 55 year olds would just use them to clip paper or like fix a broken wallet because they are too cheap to buy a new one. When I see my chain of paper clips as a 55 year old, I see annoyance. Why would anyone want to do that? Hahaah. So I did two things as a 55 year old. If I were an ODD 55 year old, I would use it as some wierd desk decoration (no picture for this). However as a normal 55 year old, I would ake them apart one by one, reverse of my 5 year old project. But I can not do that since 1. I have a low attention span, and 2. I need to bring said project to class.

So instead, I took the already completed project and put them back in the container. Yeah that defeats the purpose but as a 55 year old, I would use them for paper or something stupider than it already is used for. So I kept them that way to be used for BOTH purposes.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I am FIVE years old

So what did I do with my paper clips? I made a frigging long chain from them! Yes thats what I did when I was a little kid. Frankly I still do it all the time.


I forgot the class memory assignment. Thanks guys. Beth was right, 2 days and I forget :/

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I cannae see!

This time we have to do something that does not use our visual sight. Well that cuts down about 70% of any activity I could do haha. I went the sound route with music. And here is what I did with it. I used several musical pieces and just listened to them with everything else around me incomplete silence and I relaxed. This takes me off to a different place, thinking of different things, it sparks the use of my emotion, hearing, imagination, and more.

What I want others to do is use this music or their own that can do the above and try it out. Try to think of what could be going on in the music or the possibilities of something while listening. Relax and try to close your eyes and just listen, think, and yes even feel. Things we hear can entirely change how we feel, taste, and yes even the forbidden part of seeing this time around.

Here is some more music I listened to:

Try and feel the emotions from these songs in your own way. Listen carefully. Hell even open your minds eye and maybe you can see without your eyes but with your brain and imagination.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


It took me forever to think of something! It probably still is not a good idea at all, and I feel bad for it, but hey I tried my best. Watch the video below! It will do for a good laugh or two. I have been thinking all week and finally decided to go with this. Enjoy!

EDIT: It seems Youtube wants to be a bunch of jerks again. Seeing how in the end this video turned out to be a Rick Roll, under the disguise that my 3DS box was actually something else. For some reason the video is blocked in almost every country yet there are so many videos of this song up all of youtube. I do not know why I am the one to be hit by the block and it is not fair and it did not even show the whole song. This is messed up. Sorry for the inconvenience.